Design modes for Photo Books

Design modes for Photo Books

When you create a Photo Book using the Online Designer, you can choose from different design modes. These modes offer specific ways to start designing your product and provide automated tools for a quick and convenient design process. It’s worth noting that design modes are also available for calendars. After selecting your product and configuring the material options, you will be presented with three design modes to choose from, depending on your time and design preferences:
One Minute Photo Book mode automatically designs the product and allows you to make changes once the initial design is complete.
AutoLayout mode allows you to place images on the pages one at a time with the help of the online designer.
PDF Upload mode allows you to upload a Photo Book that has already been designed using external software. For more information, visit the Professional Zone.

Design modes

One Minute Photo Book

This mode is perfect for those who want to design their Photo Book quickly and easily. Selecting this mode will bring up a window with several design lines to choose from. You can filter them by category in the top left corner. Each design line applies cliparts and backgrounds to your Photo Book to create a cohesive style. Click on one to select it.

Wedding Design lines

Next, you’ll need to select the photos you want to include in your Photo Book. By clicking on Add images, you can upload photos from your local device or other online sources. Note that the images are inserted in the same order as they are added. So make sure you add them in the order you want them to appear in your Photo Book. Once you’ve made your selections, click Next.

Add images options

A window will appear suggesting a recommended number of pages based on the number of photos you’ve selected. You can change the number of pages manually at the bottom. Additional pages can be added or removed later in the online designer. Once you’ve set the number of pages you want, click Select. The online designer will automatically create your Photo Book according to the parameters you have selected. Once created, it is necessary to check all the pages to ensure that everything is as desired and to make any necessary changes.

Photo book created with One Minute option

It is possible to modify all the objects and images already placed, add more or remove them. You can also add text by clicking on the Add Text button in the top menu or in the Layout column on the right and selecting another layout that contains it. It is even possible to change the design line of the displayed layouts by opening the Design line box and selecting a different one.
To navigate through the pages, use the Pages menu at the bottom. Pages coloured red indicate that they have not yet been reviewed, so be sure to review all pages thoroughly. You can add or delete pages using the buttons on the left and rearrange the order by selecting a page and dragging it to the desired position.


In this mode, the Photo Book is designed page by page with the assistance of the Online designer. Once you’ve selected this mode, you’ll need to select a design line on which to base the suggested layouts. Then select the number of pages you want in your book, remembering that you can add or remove pages later in the designer. Once you have selected the number of pages, click the Select button to continue. The Online designer will open the Photo Book to your specifications and present you with blank pages, ready to be designed.

Photo Book with blank pages

To add photos to your Photo Book, you must first add them to the project. Click Add images and select photos from your local device or online resource. These photos will appear in the left column, ready to be added to your photo product. See the related article for more information. Once the photos have been added, there are two ways to place them in your Photo Book.

1. Insert images

To insert images into your photo product, select the desired images from the left column. A menu will appear at the bottom with the option Insert image. Clicking on this option will place the images in the photo book using a suggested layout. You can insert as many photos as you like and the online designer will automatically update the layout accordingly. While an automatic layout has been applied, you have the flexibility to choose a different layout from the right column and even change the design line.

Three images placed with AutoLayout

All placed objects and images can be freely moved and modified. You can also add text by clicking on Add Text. However, once any of these actions have been performed, the AutoLayout function will be disabled, allowing you to manually design and position the objects according to your preferences.

2. Dragging images

When you drag an image to the Photo Book, you will see the As background option. Dropping the image there will place it as the background in the Photo Book, covering both pages. If there are already photos placed, you will see the option Replace image above them. Dropping the image on this option will replace the existing image with the new one.

Dragging image options

Alternatively, if you drag the image directly onto the page, it will be placed where you dropped it, without affecting any existing elements. It must be placed correctly, either manually or by selecting a layout from the right-hand menu.


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