Customised Photo Prints
If you want to customise the design and size of your Photo Prints or FineArt prints you can do so by selecting the Customised Photo Prints option or Customise FineArt option when selecting the product.
Once one of these options is selected, the configurator will open, allowing you to customise the article quantity, surface, and format. Note that this can be changed later if necessary. For more information, see Convert an Article.
Once the product is configured, click on Design now. This will open the designer with the configured Photo Print or FineArt ready for you to design as desired.
If you hold a photo from the left Images column and drag it slightly towards the designer, 3 options will appear:
New layout, places the photo in a suggested layout.
As background, places the photo as a background, ensuring that all the surface is covered.
Add without changing the layout, places the photo on the designer in the same size and format as the original photo has. You will need to place and edit the photo as desired.
Note that you can add more photos once one has been placed by dragging a new one onto the design area. It is also possible to insert several images at the same time by selecting the desired images first on the left column and click the Insert selection button. For more information read the Add and edit images article.
Modifying a layout
Whether you choose the New layout option or Add without changing the layout option, you can select a new layout afterward. This will place the images already added to the designer according to the new layout selected from the right column. In addition, once a layout is selected you can modify all its elements as desired and resize the image and image box as needed. For more information, see theLayouts article.
Custom size
It is possible to select the exact dimension of the image added. To do so, add the image to the design area, click on it, and select the Position button on the right. This will display the Position tool where you can type the desired width and height of the image, as well as the exact place where it will be placed. Note that this will not affect the size of the article, it will only affect the selected image. However, you can cut the print to the desired size after receiving the product if necessary.
In this Position column, you will also find alignment and layer tools to help you place the image as desired.
For more information read the Size and position images and objects article.
Adding elements
In addition to images, note that you can add text, background, a fill box, cliparts, apply frames and masks, filters and shadows if desired.