Bleed line

Bleed line

All products in the designer are surrounded by a red line very close to the edge. This is the bleed line and must be taken into account when placing objects. Images and objects must never be placed on this line, as this may result in white borders around the image on the final product. It is necessary to place all objects and images with sufficient space in relation to the bleed line.

Examples of positions:

Wrong and right position examples relative to bleed line

  1. The image is directly on the bleed line. Avoid this position. White edges may appear in the final product.
  2. The image is well beyond the bleed and can be trimmed cleanly. We recommend leaving a minimum of 10 mm (1 cm).
  3. The image has enough space to bleed.

By default, a bleed warning is activated to prevent objects from being placed on the bleed line. The bleed warning option can be found in the Settings menu as Show bleed information.

Show bleed information option in Settings

With this option active, if an image, text box, clipart or fill box is placed too close to the bleed line, a warning message is displayed and the line is highlighted in red.

Wrong and right image position examples relative to bleed line

Even if the images are well placed and no warning message appears, when placing images, you should be careful not to place important motifs too close to the bleed line, so that they are not too close to the edge of the final product
Text: When placing text, it is important that it never extends beyond the bleed line to prevent it from being trimmed in the final product. Note that the text warning applies to the entire text box, not just the letters. Even if the text is far from the bleed line, you may still receive a warning if the text box is close to the bleed line.

Wrong and right text position examples relative to bleed line


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